The White House Cookbook – eBook


The Whitehouse Cookbook – Cooking, Toilet and Household Recipes, Menus, Dinner-Giving, Table Etiquette, Care of the Sick, Health Suggestions, Facts Worth Knowing, Etc…

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Author: F.L. Gillette
Publisher: The Werner Company
ISBN ‎978-1172661763


The Whole ebook Comprises a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home.

Book Excerpt:
. . .the bones and most of the gravy, leaving only sufficient to cover the pot half an inch above the rim that rests on the stove; put in the crust, cover tight, and boil steadily forty-five minutes. To prepare the crust, work into light dough a small bit of butter, roll it out thin, cut it in small, square cakes, and lay them on the moulding-board until very light. No steam should possibly escape while the crust is cooking, and by no means allow the pot to cease boiling.


Trim off the rough ends neatly, crack the ribs across the middle, rub with salt and sprinkle with pepper, fold over, stuff with turkey [Pg 147]dressing, sew up tightly, place in a dripping-pan with a pint of water, baste frequently, turning over once so as to bake both sides equally until a rich brown.


The tenderloins are unlike any other part of the pork in flavor. They may be either fried or broiled; the latter being drier, require. . .




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