"No matter who you are or what you do, you are a salesperson. Every time you speak to someone, share an opinion or explain an idea, you are selling your most powerful asset . . . you! In How to Sell Your Way Through Life, Napoleon Hill shares valuable lessons and proven techniques to help you become a true master…
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a book that challenges the conventional wisdom about money and investing. It tells the story of the author's two dads: his real father (poor dad) and the father of his best friend (rich dad), and how both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing.
They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison. One was sent up for tax evasion. Another, for skimming bingo profits. And the third, for a career-ending drunken joyride.
Your Worst Enemy is about the scandalous way defaulters are treated by their bankers (your worst enemy) once they fall on hard times and cannot pay their instalments any longer for whatever reasons, many times due to outside influences. Even a poor man deserves equality before the law. If there is one legal principle that should be beyond dispute it…
New England is rich in history and mystery. Numerous sleepy little towns and farming communities distinguish the region's scenic tranquility. But not long ago, New Englanders lived in fear of spectral ghouls believed to rise from their graves and visit family members in the night to suck their lives away. Although the word "vampire" was never spoken, scores of families…
Max Gunther provides revealing insights into the intriguing world of big money as he recounts the spectacular success stories of 15 men who made it to the very, very top.
Tired of phony promises about getting rich quickly, promises that lead to reckless decisions (the stepping stones to the poor house)? How about trying something different? How about going for lasting wealth--and doing it the cautious way?