This fun cookbook is the sequel of the Authors popular "The Practical Cookbook for Single Men." In this book the widower / single man starts dating. He needs recipes which are easy to get with locally available ingredients. It includes chapters on which wine to use with what food & good table manners.
Your Worst Enemy is about the scandalous way defaulters are treated by their bankers (your worst enemy) once they fall on hard times and cannot pay their instalments any longer for whatever reasons, many times due to outside influences. Even a poor man deserves equality before the law. If there is one legal principle that should be beyond dispute it…
Terrorism is never static. It evolves all the time as one side tries to gain the upper hand over the other and in open conflict, where the terrorist makes a stand, he is usually annihilated by the Security Forces, it is never a good tactic unless the terrorism phase becomes a conventional phase. Terrorism also moves around the world.
The Circle of Life touches everyone who ever fell in love for it follows the pattern of betrothal, marriage, divorce or death. But what does the law say about relationships? What are your rights as a spouse? Does the rule of thumb to punish a wayward wife exist in law? Are you able to marry with the glove? What is…
Hierdie boek is nie jou gewone "troepie" boek nie maar 'n seldsame blik op die lewe in die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie Mag in die vyf jaar voor Mnr. Nelson Mandela vrygelaat is in Suid-Afrika.